Myers Park Presbyterian Church

Youth Ministry at MPPC provides opportunities to engage your faith in meaningful ways within a community of support.

Youth Ministry Whiteboard

This week July 22-28

It’s High School Youth Week!  Join us every day for one of these great activites. Sign up here

Monday, July 22
Mission Monday!  Help us make 200 sandwiches for Roof Above and head to Ace Burger for lunch.  Open to all youth. 

Service Opportunities

Looking for more volunteer opportunities?  Check here.

Youth Podcast

Check out the Youth podcast “And Also With You” here

Mental Wellness

Use this resource to check in with yourself or as a family.

Looking Ahead…

Register for 2024-2025 Confirmation

Middle School Splash Bash is August 18th from 5-6:30pm in the OC parking Lot. Wear your suit & bring a towel!

Youth Kick Off is Sunday, September 8 from 5-6:30pm in Oxford Hall


Resources for:

Tell Me More About…

Youth Group
Senior Capstone
Mental Wellness
Service Opportunities
Serving Youth & Their Families

Clergy & Staff

Michelle Thomas-Bush

Associate Pastor for Youth & Their Families
Email Michelle

Allison Billings

Middle School Ministry Coordinator
Email Allison

Gena Koehler

High School Ministry Coordinator
Email Gena

Wyndham Merrill

Administrative Assistant
Email Wyndham