Our church is more than a cause – we’re a community. Together, each pledge accomplishes more than it could alone.
Faithful Generosity
We believe that generous giving is a significant and meaningful part of our worship life. When we combine our gifts, they multiply to bring hope to our community and beyond.
Annual Stewardship
Stewardship is a celebration of God’s blessings—serving God through our time, talents, and treasures. We give our financial resources through our annual stewardship commitment. Giving is an act of faith, an expression of gratefulness, and a spiritual discipline. Your financial commitment ensures that children and youth are nurtured, adults grow in faith through discipleship and relationships with one another, older adults are upheld and cared for, God’s name is praised through song and worship, the poor are given food, and the homeless receive shelter. All of that—and so much more—is made possible through our giving to the church.
Why pledge?
Practically speaking, a pledge is an estimate of your giving for the coming year, which funds everything we do as a faith community: from paying the salaries of our clergy and staff to supporting our outreach ministries, our pastoral care, our worship, our education programs, our music, and our facilities.
Spiritually speaking, a pledge is your response to the abundant blessings in your life. Pledging helps to transform your giving into a spiritual practice. With a pledge, you make a commitment to God and to your church. When you fulfill a pledge, it becomes a regular spiritual practice like attending worship, praying, studying, and serving the broader community.
How much should I pledge?
There is no right amount to pledge. The decision of how much to pledge should be personal and thoughtful. Each pledge is important and meaningful regardless of the amount.
Some may consider tithing, the practice of sharing ten percent of your income, the standard for Christian giving. That would be wonderful, but we recognize that not everyone is able to do that. The amount of your pledge is a personal decision that should reflect your life situation. We hope that as you consider your pledge, you reflect on the abundance of gifts God has entrusted to your care and give thanks for those gifts by giving back to the church.
How do I fulfill my pledge?
Contributions towards a pledge can be made from January 1 through December 31. There are many ways to fulfill a pledge:
- Cash or Check – Checks should be sent to the finance office with “pledge” written in the memo field.
- Online – Visit this link to make a one-time gift or to set up a recurring gift.
- Text to Give – Text 704-312-7540 and then an amount and fund (e.g. $100 GF2025). You can also support the Dedicated Offering by texting an amount and DO (e.g. $25 DO). If you need to update your payment method, text “edit” and follow the link to update your account.
- IRA – If you are over 70.5 years of age, you can make a contribution from your mandatory minimum withdrawal. Contact the financial institution that manages your IRA. Please note that this contribution must come directly from your IRA trustee.
- Stock Transfer – Gifts of stock are welcome and the process is simple. Please contact Deborah Banks at Foundation for the Carolinas at dbanks@fftc.org or 704-973-4577.
- Sunday Plate Offering – The plate offering that is passed in worship is distributed to different outreach partners, but that funding does not support the church’s operating budget. This model of giving is unique to Myers Park Presbyterian Church and is a significant funding source for our partners.
How do I set up a scheduled gift?
Great question! These instructions are here to help.
Cultivate Capital Campaign
Every so often, our church embarks on a capital campaign. The Cultivate Capital Campaign is about nurturing a new generation of disciples to grow a deep, abiding faith in Jesus Christ. It’s about sowing seeds of hope that all might experience the abundance of God’s beloved community. It is about much more than new classrooms or heating and air conditioning (although those are important too) –it is about building on our foundation.
This capital campaign is an exercise in sacrificial giving; a stretch gift beyond our regular tithes and offerings to cultivate our faith and harvest a better future for our ministry in Charlotte and around the world. It’s an opportunity to consider how you can commit to living out God’s love in life changing ways. Learn more about the Cultivate Capital Campaign and how you can join us as we sow faith, root hope, and reap love. Link to capital campaign page

Faith • Hope • Love
The endowment fund is a permanent source of capital that is used to support the ministries of MPPC by enriching and deepening our programs with an eye to the future.