Governance & Church Officers

Polity, processes, and accountability structures for joining God’s work in the world

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Local Church Session

The leadership body of our church is known as the Session. It’s made up of elders elected from the congregation.

Presbytery of Charlotte

The church’s regional body of leadership is called the Presbytery. MPPC Belongs to the Presbytery of Charlotte.

Synod of the Mid-Atlantic

The greater regional body of the church is the Synod which is made up of presbyteries within a particular geographic area. Our presbytery belongs to the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic.

General Assembly

The national body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is the General Assembly. Meetings of the General Assembly occur every other year.


All PC(USA) bodies are governed by a constitution, which has two parts:

Book of Confessions – The doctrinal statements that convey what the church believes.

Book of Order – The policies and procedures of the church to enable it to carry out its ministries.

The Session

The Session’s primary responsibilities are to support and supervise the work of the church and assure appropriate stewardship of resources. Ruling Elders (members who are called to serve on the Session) are nominated each year in January and serve three-year terms. Teaching Elders (our ordained Clergy) also sit on the Session. 

Class of 2025 Class of 2026 Class of 2027
CT Anderson Barbara Atkins Gail Fischer
Jeff Armstrong Andrew Batchelor Sherrard Georgius
Katie Brigulio Margaret Bradley Bill Gill
Betty Cowden Beverly Darlington Averill Harkey
Fay Grasty Doug Faris Frank Henry
Joe Grier Luke Farmer Bess Kercher
Linda Ibsen Mary Mandeville George MacBain
Kathleen O’Bannon Sherri McGirt Meredith McBride
Lester Ranson Mary Beth McIntyre Bob McKinney
Leigh Rogers Dan Nunn Laura Monk
Taylor Stukes Allen Woodward Alston Van Dyke
Bill Warren Teresa Wohlbruck Martin Wilkinson
Caitlyn Anderson – Youth
Ruthie Shaw – Youth