Disunity in Christ with Dr. Christena Cleveland We were blessed to host Dr. Christena Cleveland in October 2020. In preparation for her visit, we read her book Disunity in Christ together. See below for our reading guides and recordings from her time at MPPC! Reading...
A faith formation course to help you begin your faith journey or refresh the basics of faith, the Bible, and what it means to be Presbyterian. Take some time to get “Back to the Basics.” I often hear from people that they feel like others know so much more about the...
Faith Formation Resources If you are looking for individual study tools, faith formation on the go, or resources to lead a small group or study, check out the various resources below. We know that there is a lot out there on the internet for devotionals or...
Weekday Faith Formation Faith Formation doesn’t just happen on Sunday mornings. We recognize that discipleship is a lifelong journey, and with that journey comes changing and varied schedules. At Myers Park Presbyterian we are blessed to offer various weekday...
Better whenwe’reback Together 21-Day Race Equity Challenge Friends, The desire to engage in this 21 Day Challenge began a few months ago, when we realized that our congregation would continue to be in a state of social isolation through the summer. The Adult...