The endowment fund is a permanent source of capital that is used to support the ministries of MPPC by enriching and deepening our programs with an eye to the future.
Managing the Endowment
The Armillary Group, a Wells Fargo Advisor, provides investment services for our endowment fund. Our ministry teams collaborate with the Endowment Committee to determine how the funds are distributed. With more than $4 billion in charitable assets under management, The Armillary Group brings extensive experience serving not-for-profit clients. MPPC selected The Armillary Group for their outstanding track record and innovative leadership in investment management. Their expertise enables us to steward our endowment with a level of service and sophistication that would not be possible on our own.
Our endowment is comprised of multiple funds that support specific ministry areas of the church. These include:
- Undesignated – Provides flexibility to support the greatest unfunded needs
- Outreach – Helps to fund ministry partners’ greatest needs both locally and globally
- Worship and Music –Provides support to ensure inspiring worship and music
- Faith formation – Supports the church’s growing children’s and youth ministries and vital adult education
- Congregational Life – Gifts help to fund pastoral care and wellness ministries
- Administration of Facilities – Helps support the upkeep and ongoing improvements of our beautiful campus
- Vocational and Denominational Support –as one of the largest church’s in our denomination, we are called to support mission work and ensure the denomination’s future
Legacy Partners Jim and Betsy Deupree
Become a Legacy Partner
Supporting the endowment is a wonderful opportunity to leave a planned gift by becoming a Legacy Partner—the society that was established to recognize the members who have made a provision for the church in their estate plans. Legacy gifts—whether large or small—combine to create a vision of abundance for the church’s future, ensuring the continued vitality of its mission and ministries long after we are gone.
Legacy Partners provide an opportunity for our members to make a bequest that reflects his or her values, priorities, and gratitude for God’s blessings. Click here for the statement of bequest form.