Back to the Basics

Back to the Basics

Over the summer, take some time to get “Back to the Basics” of your faith. I often hear from people that they feel like others know so much more about the Bible, faith, or being Presbyterian than they do. First, this probably isn’t true! Many of us are in the same...

April 8 – Holy Week

During Holy Week we celebrate and remember Jesus’ last week of his life. The days and events of this week point to who Jesus was and who he continues to be. Which moments stand out to you? In what ways are you remembering and celebrating Jesus’ last week of his...

April 1 – Sacrifice & Atonement

Isaiah points out how continual sacrifices became meaningless as the people of God at the same time allowed great evil in their midst. Jesus came as the perfect sacrifice, which put an end to sacrifices but initiated new rituals, baptism, and communion. Share a story...

March 25 – Justice

Humans are identified as the image of God. Unfortunately, we are constantly redefining what good and evil is to our own advantage at the expense of others. In what ways are we or should we be working toward restorative justice, to mend broken systems that effect the...

March 18 – Holiness

God’s holiness is so good it is also dangerously transformative. For a long time, things that were impure or unholy would defile that which it touched. Through the prophets and Jesus, we come to learn that God’s holiness transforms the impure. How does this shape your...