Educational Programs

Infants – Full Day Program
6 Weeks – 12 Months

Our loving, dedicated staff caters to each child’s individual needs with personalized feeding plans and sleeping schedules. In our room, the children learn by manipulating a variety of developmentally appropriate toys, exploring the outside and taking in the sights and sounds of their environment.

Toddlers – Half & Full Day Programs
12 Months – 24 Months

Physical and social exploration is emphasized during this important year. Toddlers begin to enjoy a sense of classroom community as our curriculum focuses on families, seasons, colors, shapes and language. Stimulating toys, books and centers are available for gross motor play. Centers and group time allow our toddlers to enjoy art, music, books, puzzles, songs, manipulatives, indoor and outdoor time, and lunch.

Two’s – Half & Full Day Programs
24 Months

This exciting year focuses on group play, learning to share, and mastering self-help skills. Rich centers provide opportunities for your child to become a creative and responsible member of the classroom. Art mediums include playdough, large crayons, paints, markers, water colors and more.

Three’s – Half & Full Day Programs
36 Months

Our 3 year-old classrooms stress growth in language, the ability to distinguish real from imaginary and using words to express experiences. Independence is asserted in a more positive and socially acceptable way. Play with others is more readily accepted. Self-selected centers include writing, art, books, housekeeping, blocks and nature. All classrooms offer free choice of learning materials and toys.

Four’s – Half & Full Day Programs
48 Months

How, when and why become the questions of the day when your children arrive in our 4 year-old classrooms. Vocabulary can reach upwards of 1,500 words. Language expands to five to six words sentences. Asking the meaning of words is a given. The use of jokes, silly language, rhyming words and bathroom talk is the norm. Four’s recognize their letters, can count to 30, match colors and have a sense of time. Our classrooms invite children to make choices.

Transitional Kindergarten – Half Day Program
60 Months

Our Transitional Kindergarten program at Myers Park Presbyterian Church gives students the “gift” of a year to grow in confidence and independence before beginning Kindergarten. We use Creative Curriculum that covers all developmental domains, including language and vocabulary development, emergent literacy, math, science, social studies, creative arts, large and small-motor development, health, safety, and socio-emotional development.

The children learn problem-solving, independence, and kindergarten readiness skills in a developmentally appropriate manner so children will complete the program with a fundamental, positive foundation for a lifetime of learning.


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July 29, 2016