Full-Day Program

For ages:  6 weeks – 5 years

Hours:  7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Year-Round

Classroom ratios:
Infants – 2:8
Toddlers – 2:10
Early Preschool – 2:14
Preschool – 2:15
Pre-Kindergarten – 2:16

Full-Day Program registration is open only to families with two full-time employed parents (or full-time employed single parent).

Registration for 2025-26 Enrollment

Registration for the upcoming school year opens each January and can be accessed via a link on this page. The Full-Day program runs from June through May, with available spaces typically opening in June.

    • Expectant mothers must have a due date to be eligible to register for the Full-Day Weekday School waitlist.
    • Our waitlists are refreshed after the January registration period concludes. Families remain on the waitlist according to their initial date of entry. Once registration closes, the waitlist becomes inactive for the remainder of the school year, and no new names can be added during this period. An additional registration window for infants is open in June.
    • Registration for the Full-Day program is now closed for 2025-2026.
    • Enrollment letters will be emailed to all registered families on February 1. Commitment letters are due by February 7.

Children cannot be added to the waitlist outside of our registration window. (siblings of currently enrolled students are the only exception)


The following forms are required before the first day of school.

General Information

2025-2026 Tuition Information

Annual Registration Fee: $125 (non-refundable)

Annual Curriculum Enrichment Fee: $150 for Early Preschool/$175 for Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten

Monthly Tuition Schedule: cost includes lunch and snack for Toddlers-Pre-Kindergarten
Subject to an annual increase

Infants (6 weeks to 12 months): $1830/month

Toddlers (12-24 months): $1760/month

Early Preschool (2-3 years): $1680/month

Preschool (3-4 years): $1625/month

Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 years): $1600/month

 Enrollment Process

Interested families register through the link on this webpage during their applicable registration window. Walk-in or mail-in registrations will not be accepted. 

Full Day Registration for New Families– click here to register beginning January 13th 

Registration Fee

A non-refundable registration fee of $125 per student is required. The fee is nonrefundable whether your child enrolls, is placed on a waiting list, or declines. Payment options include Visa and Mastercard.

Tip: Because many employers have firewalls that prevent online payments, please use a personal computer, tablet, or smartphone to register.

Letters of Intent

Letters of intent will be emailed to all successfully registered and waitlisted families in February.

Once you are notified of an opening by the Weekday School Administration, you will have 7 days to accept, complete, and return your letter of intent. After the Weekday School receives your letter of intent, you will receive a registration confirmation and enrollment packet.


Priority For Enrollment

    1. Currently enrolled Full-Day Program Weekday School students
    2. Siblings of currently enrolled Full-Day Program Weekday School students
    3. Myers Park Presbyterian Church members not currently enrolled
    4. Currently enrolled Half-Day Weekday School students who have been enrolled at least 12 months
    5. Myers Park Presbyterian Church non-members

    Waitlisted Families

    Families for whom there is no immediate space available will be placed on the appropriate waiting list for the current school year in order of registration date and time.

    Should space become available, you will be contacted regarding the opening and asked to complete a letter of intent to attend and submit the first month’s tuition to accept the space.  

      Group tours take place in November, December, and January, ahead of the registration windows.

      Full-Day Program Inquiries:

      Administrative Staff

      Kate Taylor

      Kate Taylor

      Full-Day Operations Director

      Email Kate

      Angel Tyler

      Angel Tyler

      Full-Day Program Coordinator

      Email Angel
      Heidi Truong

      Heidi Truong

      Managing Director for the Weekday School

      Email Heidi