Serving on Sunday Mornings

Celebrate Lay Readers – Read scripture and offer the prayer for illumination. You determine the frequency of your participation.

Celebrate Usher – Prepare for worship, welcome the congregation, distribute bulletins and collect the offering during worship. You determine the frequency of your participation.

Children’s Sunday School Support – Provide teacher support during the Sunday School hour.

Children’s Sunday School Teacher – Foster children’s faith using our SPARK curriculum; training is provided.

Communion Preparation – Purchase and prepare communion items; four teams serve on a rotating monthly schedule. From a commitment standpoint, just one hour is required prior to the Sunday service from June through August; there is some additional work required on Saturdays from September through May.

Hospitality Ambassador – Greet and answer questions for members and guests on Sundays and at special events.

New Member Team – Befriend new members and participate during their introductory Sunday classes and afterwards as they transition into membership.

Reception Desk – Greet members and guests by serving a two-hour Sunday morning shift at the reception desk. This is a flexible commitment based on your schedule.

Sanctuary Lay Readers – Read scripture and offer the prayer for illumination. You determine the frequency of your participation.

Sanctuary Ushers – Greet the congregation, distribute bulletins, and collect the offering. Each usher team serves three months out of the year.

Senior Transportation – Provide senior adult bus transportation to and from Sharon Towers and The Cypress on Sundays and other special services; no special license required.

Sound Assistants – Operate the sanctuary sound system during funeral services and worship. This usually requires two to three Sundays over a three-month period.

Sunday School Teachers/Support – help deepen faith (see details in age categories).

Tapestry – Nurture and work with our special-needs children during Sunday School and worship.

Wee Worship – Teach four- and five-year-old children during 11 a.m. Sunday worship.

Youth Sunday School Teacher – Lead our youth in interactive discussions relevant to their faith on Sunday mornings as part of a rotating teaching team.

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Posted on

October 31, 2016