Love Builds Up
A Family

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35
-Mission: MPPC’s Welcome Ministry desires to partner with and serve Charlotte’s diverse population.
Population Served: Migrants, Refugees, and other members of immigrant communities in Charlotte.
History: MPPC’s Welcome Ministry was created in 2021 by members of various backgrounds who are passionate about seeing Charlotte become a city that welcomes the stranger.
Approach: The Welcome Ministry supports the work of several organizations in the Charlotte Area that aim to provide services and support new-commer families. Since it’s creation, the Welcome Ministry has worked with agencies such as MAP (Mis Amigos Project), OurBRIDGE, Refugee Support Services, Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency, and English Language Acquisition Department (CMS).
How Love Builds Up
Help a refugee family set up their home.
This ministry offers opportunities to participate in donation drives, support children at an afterschool program, engage in community fellowship, and become an advocate for members of refugee and immigrant communities in Charlotte.
If you would like to engage in Myers Park Presbyterian Church’s Welcome Ministry, please email