Celebrate Worship

Sundays at 10 a.m. in Oxford Hall

Celebrate Worship is a more contemporary service, led by a band and featuring Christian praise music, prayer, scripture reading, and a sermon.

We’ll have order of worship and the words to the music on the screen, feel free to sing as much as you feel comfortable. This service takes place in Oxford Hall and lasts about an hour.

Children are welcome to worship with us, and we have a nursery for the littlest ones on the first floor of the B-Building. Check with a greeter or usher when you arrive and they’ll point you in the right direction.

Celebrate Worship Livestream

Worship begins at 10 a.m. on Sundays

Live video from Oxford Hall will begin in the window above at least five minutes prior to the event. You may need to refresh your browser.

Current Series

Called to Community

September 8-29

We live in a world filled with good causes that need our support and participation. Some might view the church as one of those causes. Yet the church is much more than a cause; it's a community. 

God calls us into this community shaped by particular practices of faith that bring us into deeper relationship with God and one another.  Join us as we consider these practices that define our faith community through the stories of Exodus.

Both of our worship services address the same weekly scripture throughout each series.