MPPC Milestones

A stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.
An action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
In Children and Youth Ministries at Myers Park Presbyterian Church, we believe it is important to mark significant moments in growth and development. Those moments matter in our own journey at significant turning points. And those moments matter in our life together as we share foundational aspects of our faith and faith practices.
Join us for one of our Milestone programs where children, teens, and parents explore and learn together. Each participant receives a special box in which to collect symbols and totems of each milestone along the way.
Our Church Family Milestones
Kindergarten: Introduction to Worship
First Grade: Communion
Second Grade: Introduction to Prayer
Third Grade: Bible
Fourth Grade: Stewardship
Fifth Grade: Faith and Sexuality
Fourth & Fifth Grade: Mission
Sixth Grade: Identity and Baptism
Seventh Grade: Prayer Practices
Eighth Grade: Faith and Science
Ninth Grade: Faith Family
Sophomore: Driver’s License
Junior: Leadership
Senior: Call and Vocation