We all experience anxiety, especially now.

This is a small group offering to help you encounter Christ as we all journey through every day anxiousness, and what that has to do with Spiritual growth.

During this pandemic, even those who don’t consider themselves “anxious people” have felt fear and worry around health, finances, politics, race, or some other life disruption. Yet, conventional Christian culture can make us think that we shouldn’t feel anxious, or that we’re just supposed to “pray it away.” And secular culture also views anxiety as a problematic condition to manage. This series presents the Gospel truth: that anxiety is a powerful opportunity to grow as followers of Jesus. You will learn to encounter Jesus through anxiety with the help of Scripture, physical practices, nature, prayer, and new self-understandings (curriculum provided by reedmingbabel.com). Read more below to get engaged, and reach out with any questions or comments to adulteducation@myersparkpres.org.

Small Group Opportunities

Find a date and time that works for you and register below! Or, if you have a small group already and would like this resource, contact adulteducation@myersparkpres.org

Adult Group

A Curriculum Preview

Considering joining in? Check out the first session here.  And watch a preview video below.

Each session includes:

  1. Engaging and educational videos
  2. Individual reflection
  3. Small group discussion questions
  4.  Resources for between sessions