Faith Formation
Date & Time
Wednesdays | 6-7:30 p.m.
Beginning September 13, 2023
(704) 927-1245
Amos & Hosea: Boundaries, Tough Love, Amazing Grace
Led By: Joseph Jumper
This study challenges study groups to join the prophets in being boundary-crossers; to cross the boundary between religion and politics, or that boundary between “us” and “them.” Amos’s and Hosea’s message is surely relevant for a society such as ours, divided on issues of theology, politics, economics, government, and morality. We need to hear about God’s tough love and amazing grace which are extended by the Lord to a people who have often broken the divine heart.
- Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets Amos
- The Boundary between Religion and Politics
- The Boundary between “Us” and “Them”
- The Boundary Between Worship and Service
- Hosea’s Family Life
- The Worship of Baal
- Non-cultic Idols
- Beyond the Boundaries and Idolatries