Lent & Easter
at Myers Park Presbyterian Church
Lent Schedule
Ash Wednesday | March 5
Ashes-to-Go | 7:30-9:30 a.m., Outreach Center
Drive through for a super brief, yet meaningful moment of prayer and the imposition of ashes with our pastors.
Ash Wednesday Worship | 7 p.m., Sanctuary
Join us for a time of reflection and renewal as we begin the Lenten journey towards Easter.
Sundays Through Lent | March 9 – April 6
Worship Series: The Great Reversal
Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus has a way of upending expectations and turning world views upside down.
In the kingdom of God, Jesus proclaims that the poor are blessed, and the wealthy are warned “the last will be first” and the tax collector gets in before the preacher.
Again and again, Jesus invites us to consider the least in this world – perhaps even in ourselves – and to discover God there. Join us this Lenten season as we consider God’s Great Reversal.
Lenten Disciplines
If you feel stirred to dive deeper into this season, consider one of these Lenten disciplines:
Small Groups
Various Times & Locations
Connect and engage in community through small group fellowship as we study N. T. Wright’s “Lent for Everyone – Luke.”
Morning Prayer
Weekdays | 8 a.m. | Online
Join us online for a brief prayer service grounding us in faith for the day ahead.
Daily Devotions
As a Lenten practice during this season, receive devotions from the clergy that reflect on the scriptures surrounding the upcoming Sunday’s sermon text.
Holy Week & Easter Services
Palm Sunday | April 13
Worship | 10 a.m., Sanctuary & Oxford Hall
Celebrate Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday | April 17
Worship Around the Table | 7 p.m., Oxford Hall
Gather around the Table as we reflect on and experience the hospitality of Jesus through the Last Supper with his disciples.
Conversation and fellowship to follow in the Cornerstone House.
Good Friday | April 18
The Gospel & Blues | 12 p.m., Sanctuary
A reflection on the Passion Narrative from scripture, guided by standard Blues music from local artists.
Easter Sunday | April 20
Christ is Risen! Hallelujah! Join us in person and online to celebrate our risen Lord.
7 a.m. | Outdoor Sunrise Service
9 a.m. | Worship in the Sanctuary & Oxford Hall
11 a.m. | Worship in the Sanctuary & Oxford Hall
Easter Cross
Bring flowers from home to adorn our Easter Cross, located in the Circle Drive.
Easter Flowers
Lilies will be available to purchase to decorate our worship spaces for Easter. You may pick them up after the 11 a.m. service.
Lent Small Groups
This Lenten season, we invite you to connect and engage in community through small group fellowship as we study N. T. Wright's "Lent for Everyone - Luke."
Check out the Lenten groups below and see if there is one that resonates with you. Don’t see one that works for you, or want to start your own? Contact John Magnuson.
These groups will begin the week of March 5.