Mental Health Ministry

Mental Health and Spiritual Wholeness

Mental Health Matters

Our mental health is not only essential for our emotional well-being, but also vital for our spiritual growth and our ability to serve God and others.

By prioritizing mental health, we can foster healthy relationships within our faith community, offering support and encouragement to one another, and fulfilling the biblical call to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).

Mental Health Survey Results

Our Mental Health Ministry team surveyed 297 church members across a variety of ages and interests about their experience of mental health issues and how the church can participate in fostering mental wellbeing.

Our survey has revealed some statistics that underscore the prevalence of mental health challenges in our culture and and the congregation’s openness to finding support and education through the church.

  • Prevalence of Mental Health Challenges 63% 63%

63% of respondents have either personally faced a mental health challenge or have a family member who has. This statistic underscores the widespread impact of mental health issues within our community, highlighting the urgency and importance of addressing these concerns.

  • Preference for Support Groups 55% 55%

55% of respondents indicated they would seek help through church-led support groups. This suggests that creating spaces for shared experiences and mutual support can be particularly beneficial for our congregation.

  • Openness to Church Support 86% 86%

63% of community members express their willingness to seek support for mental health issues from the church. This indicates a significant level of trust in the church as a source of support and highlights the potential for expanded mental health ministries.

  • Assistance Finding a Counselor 52% 52%

52% of respondants would seek assistance from the church in finding a professional mental health counselor. This points to an opportunity for the church to help navigate mental health and serve as a bridge to professional mental health services.

These results illustrate a congregation ready to engage with mental health support and education, valuing both the communal aspects of support groups and the personalized guidance in accessing professional help. There is an opportunity for the church to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing mental health challenges and work to foster a supportive, compassionate community environment.

Follow the link below to review the full survey results.

Upcoming Events

Caring for Those Who Are Grieving

Sunday, May 5 | 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | A-101

The death of a loved one is a profound loss and the grief and mourning which follow can leave us feeling lonely and isolated. Join us as mental health practitioner Tammy Weitzman presents “What is Grief and How Can We Care for Those Who are Grieving?” Registration is not required but is highly recommended. 

If you or someone you love is experiencing a mental health crisis or exploring thoughts of suicide, text or call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.