On Sunday, November 19, 2023, MPPC’s members who have traveled to Congo over the past 75 years were honored at the 75th Anniversary Celebration from in Oxford Hall.
Clergy, members of the Congo Team and church members along with members of the Congolese community were in attendance. Dr. William Bradford, who ignited the ministry in the 1990s right into the early part of the 21st Century was in attendance, telling the group that it is seldom that people can see the ongoing strength of something they were committed to decades before. Other MPPC Congo travelers expressed thanksgiving for the trips they took to Congo to take part in a ministry partnership that is thriving today.
The new era of MPPC’s Congo Ministry is focused on Congolese girls’ education. MPPC and our Presbyterian partners in Congo helped establish the two girls’ schools. One is located in Kananga, and was established in 2012. The other is in Mbuji-Mayi, and was established in 2018. Two thousand Congolese girls are currently attending these schools.
The image below is of Susie Culp and Pamela May, both members of the ministry team displaying their home-made “Congo Cookies” and donut holes.