Original Post date: April 16, 2022
Our global partner, the Great Church of Debrecen, is located in eastern Hungary, about 90 minutes from the Ukrainian border. The Great Church regularly works with a church in Csongor, Ukraine. In fact, our Hungary Outreach Team visited Csongor during their trip in 2017.
The Reformed Church in Csongor has helped numerous refugees since the beginning of the conflict in March 2022, and currently has 31 families seeking refuge in their church. The congregation cooks for them twice a day, holds worship services, and cares for people who have fled Kyiv and Harkov.
With the bombing now just 100 miles away, the church in Csongor is expanding their efforts by renovating a building to serve as a social service center, a base for doctors, and additional accommodation for internally-displaced Ukrainians. Myers Park Presbyterian Church and the Great Church in Debrecen have provided $15,000 for the renovation.

Original Post Date: June 2, 2022
We have an update of MPPC’s direct impact in Hungary, as The Great Church of Debrecon continues to house, feed, and guide 35 Ukrainian refugees as they settle into their new normal. The refugees are being temporarily housed in a local reformed church in Csongor, Hungary. Many of the refugees arrived three months ago and are choosing to remain as their homes have been destroyed. There is comfort staying in Csongor, as they can speak their native language, and the church is providing them work in the fields. Agricultural activities are non-existent in the Ukraine, which could ultimately lead to famine in the region. Planting together is a way of uniting the refugees and the villagers, and doing important work to sustain the village they all now call home. The local minister, Sandor Pocsai, has stated these refugees are dependent on the church for survival and he promised to continue to help. The Csongor church also provides church services and religious education for the children in the Russian language. What an example of being the hands and feet of Christ in the world! While we cannot physically be there, our financial support is helping make all this happen. MPPC has given funds to start a shelter house project, a builder has been hired, and the job has begun.
The Great Church has also transported food to Csongor and the pictures above show the children helping unload the supplies. Istvan Olah, the minister at the Great Church, has graciously shared these updates. Our church is doing great things and how tangible it is to see how we are making a difference across the world. There is much more work to be done as over 1 million people have relocated to this region from Eastern Ukraine.