
Use the prompts below to consider where the moments of formation, faithfulness, and flourishing this past year have been. Perhaps one such moment was a study, gathering, trip, conversation, or simply the beauty of a space.

Enter into prayer – asking God for guidance and clarity. God is present in and through it all.

What did you experience at the church which brought about growth in your life this year?

Which moments or interactions have continued to linger with you long after they’ve finished?

Were there any events or experiences where you felt your faith was flourishing?



There is power in writing down and sharing your reflection. If you’re willing, we’d love to hear about how the church has been meaningful in your life.

Click a prompt below to write and share. Here’s what will happen next:

  • Your reflection will be sent to your email address if you provide it.
  • It provides church staff an opportunity to consider what we do and help us to see the little things that might make a big difference.
What did you experience at the church which brought about growth in your life this year?

Which moments or interactions have continued to linger with you long after they’ve finished?

Were there any events or experiences where you felt your faith was flourishing?